sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2012

Frase do dia: buscar pela luz.

Assim resplandeça a vossa luz diante dos homens, para que vejam as vossas boas obras e glorifiquem a vosso Pai, que está nos céus. (Mateus 5:16)

As obras boas e que agradam a Deus, são aquelas que o nosso coração também se alegre quando as expomos.

Seremos contemplados com a luz pela qual a nossa condução durante a nossa jornada seja amenizada, caso as nossas obras sejam dignas do Senhor, portanto, devemos buscar pelo conhecimento farto que a palavra tem para cada um de nós para que possamos ser merecedores desta preciosa luz.

Sentence of the day: to look for for the light.

Shine like this your light before the men, so that they see your good works and glorify your Father, that is in the skies. (Mateus 5:16)

The good works and that they please God, they are those that our heart also gets happy when we expose them.

We will be contemplated with the light by the which our conduction during our day is softened, I marry our works they are worthy of it Mister, therefore, we should look for the full knowledge that the word has for each one of us so that we can be worthy of this precious light.

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